How to open NRI account in ICICI bank? 3 easy ways to open.


Its very easy to open NRI account in ICICI Bank. Its very simple. ICICI bank is one of the most popular private sector bank in India. It has branches all over the country. ICICI bank provides many facilitates to its customer from saving accounts to current accounts, from internet banking to mobile banking. ICICI bank also provides saving accounts for NRI (Non-Resident Indian).


Open NRI Account In ICICI Bank In India.

If you are an NRI, and if you are in India, then you can easily open NRI account. Its very easy and simple.

  • First and foremost find the nearest ICICI Bank Branch in the city you are currently staying. Click here to find the nearest ICICI Bank Branch.
  • Visit the branch and ask for the “Account Opening Form” at “May I help You” desk.
  • ICICI Bank Stuff will assist you during the form fill up and will tell you all the necessary information regarding NRI accounts, documentation and other details.
  • After filling the form, check for any errors and then submit the same at the branch.
  • Once all the documents are been verified, your account will be opened in 2 working business days.

Open NRI Account In ICICI Bank when in Overseas.

ICICI Bank has its branch or representatives office in Singapore, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Hongkong or Representative office in UAE.

  • First visit your nearest branch and ask for the “Account Opening Form” at “May I help You” desk.
  • ICICI Bank Stuff will assist you during the form fill up and will tell you all the necessary information regarding NRI accounts, documentation and other details.
  • After filling the form, check for any errors and then submit the same at the branch.
  • Once all the documents are been verified, your account will be opened in 7 working business days.

Opening NRI Account In ICICI Bank when overseas and don’t have branch near you.

If you are at some corner of the World, and have no ICICI Bank near you, then still you can open an NRI account in ICICI Bank easily.

  • Visit ICICI Bank NRI Banking Service page by clicking here.
  • Click on the desired option from the “Apply Now” section.


  • Fill and submit the lead form.


  • After filling up the form, ICICI bank’s customer executive will call you as per the time convenient to you and will assist you on your application for opening an NRI account.
  • ICICI bank’s customer executive will provide all the required information on NRI accounts, documentations etc and will help you to fill the application online.
  • Once you are with the form fill up and with all the necessary documents, ICICI bank will schedule a Free Courier Pick Up (DHL Courier) of your form and documents, as per the time convenient to you.
  • Once the documents are received, and if all the documents are verified successfully, then your account will open in 14 business working days.

How to check the status of your account opening?

Contact the bank officials to know the status of your account. If all the documents submitted are verified successfully, your account will be opened in Seven Working Days. If the account didn’t open in mentioned days, then contact ICICI Bank customer care.

Documents Required to Open NRI account in ICICI Bank.

To open NRI Account In ICICI Bank, one must have all the necessary ID proof and Address proof. You have to make and give photocopy of each and every document to bank while opening your NRI account in ICICI Bank.

  • Passport.
  • Valid Visa. (Work Visa, Residence Visa/Permit, Dependent Visa)
  • Overseas Address Proof.
  • Indian Address Proof.
  • Deputation/offer letter mentioning the overseas work address.


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